Public, read-only MQTT server is available at port 8883 (TLS) or port 1883 (plaintext), and have these topics:

MQTT Topic Description
nordpool/today/exchangerate Exchangerate used for EUR-NOK. Set to NOK for 1EUR
nordpool/today/<sone>/nok Current price in NOK. Set to NOK/KWh
nordpool/today/<sone>/eur Current price in EUR. Set to EUR/KWh
nordpool/today/<sone>/order Current order, from most expensive (0) to least expensive (23). Set to 0-23
nordpool/today/<sone>/nok<[00]-[23]> Price in NOK for a given hour. Set to NOK/KWh
nordpool/today/<sone>/eur<[00]-[23]> Price in EUR for a given hour. Set to EUR/KWh
nordpool/today/<sone>/order[00]-[23]> Order for a given hour, from most expensive (0) to least expensive (23). Set to 0-23
nordpool/today/<sone>/sorted<[0]-[23]> Hour reference from the most expensive (0) to least expensive (23). Set to 00-23
nordpool/tomorrow/exchangerate Exchangerate used for EUR-NOK. Set to NOK for 1EUR
nordpool/tomorrow/<sone>/nok<[00]-[23]> Price in NOK for a given hour. Set to NOK/KWh
nordpool/tomorrow/<sone>/eur<[00]-[23]> Price in EUR for a given hour. Set to EUR/KWh
nordpool/tomorrow/<sone>/order[00]-[23]> Order for a given hour, from most expensive (0) to least expensive (23). Set to 0-23
nordpool/tomorrow/<sone>/sorted<[0]-[23]> Hour reference from the most expensive (0) to least expensive (23). Set to 00-23

(<sone> is "NO-1" for Oslo, "NO-2" for Kristiansand, "NO-3" for Trondheim, "NO-4" for Tromsø or "NO-5" for Bergen)

The prices for tomorrow is available from around 1400UTC today.



To get current price for Oslo in Norwegian Kroner, subscribe to nordpool/today/NO-1/nok

To follow the price for the hour 0700-0759 Europe/Oslo timezone for Kristiansand in Euro, subscribe to nordpool/today/NO-2/eur07

To find the two most expensive hours in Trondheim, subscribe to nordpool/today/NO-3/sorted0 and nordpool/today/NO-3/sorted1

Connecting to current Oslo price i Euro using mosquitto_sub (from mosquitto-clients): "mosquitto_sub -h -p 8883 --capath /etc/ssl/certs  -t nordpool/today/NO-1/eur"